Friday, May 25, 2012

Reporting and Frequency Data for Cycle 3: SpaceX

1. Broadcast news: post news updates for its broadcast network, CNN. This story originally aired May 22nd 2012. Since its original air date, the story has been updated 9 times. This can be found all by searching "SpaceX" in CNN's search bar.

During this time the story developed with these key points:

-The unmanned SpaceX Dragon that launched Tuesday from Cape Canaveral, Florida, has successfully completed all tests so far in preparation for the attempt to be the first private spacecraft to link to the space station
-Its solar arrays successfully deployed, provided power to the spacecraft.
-Dragon's thrusters fired, bringing the vehicle 2.4 kilometers (about a mile and a half) below the International Space Station
-If the unmanned shuttle successfully links up with the space station this morning, it will be the first time a private spacecraft has accomplished such a feat.

2. Newspaper (LA Times): The story was originally published on the LA times website on may 22nd 2012. The LA Times website has updated news about the SpaceX's flight 12 times. The story has appeared in the Breaking News category of the LA Times Home Page.

Some of the most important updates include:
-SpaceX's cone-shaped space capsule performed a series of delicate maneuvers around the International Space Station that proved to NASA officials that it's ready to move in for a historic docking attempt.
-The mission is considered the first test ofNASA's plan to outsource space missions to private companies now that its fleet of space shuttles is retired.
-The company, with about 1,800 employees, has a $1.6-billion contract to haul cargo in 12 flights to the space station for NASA. If the current test mission is successful, SpaceX will begin fulfilling the contract later this year.
-SpaceX's unmanned Dragon spacecraft was captured by the space station's 58-foot robotic arm by astronaut Don Pettit aboard the space station. The linkup took place about 250 miles above northwest Australia at 6:56 a.m. PDT.
Shown above is the distance between the SpaceX capsule and the International Space Station on thursday which was approximately 1.5 miles. (picture from LA

3. Blog ( I chose to follow the SpaceX website because they were bloging every update possible with blow by blow information on the Capsules flight. The blog update I was following was originally posted on May 22nd 2012. Which was the date of the take off of the SpaceX rocket. The blog had been updated 6 times.

The updates where all very informative:
- Only minutes after the spacecraft separated the falcon 9 rockets it's solar arrays deployed successfully, providing power to the spacecraft.
-Along with the door that cover the sensors, which help the spacecraft attach, came off.
-On Tuesday and Wednesday, the Dragon capsule used thrusters to catch up with the spacespation.
-Under this time the capsule had to do a series of test like GPS, Drifting, and full abort test.
-At 2AM friday the capsule was 1.4K from the station.
-At 6AM it attached successfully.
Above is a picture of the International space station astronauts watching the take off of Falcon 9.(photo credit: NASA)

4.Social media website (youtube) orignal poster SpaceX. The orignaly post was on the 22nd of May 2012 and the video was of the founders of Space X and the employees watching the launch of the Falcon 9 rocket. The channel updated two times with a video lasting an hour long giving a blow by blow on how the launch happened, what it means and whats happening in the future.

Of all the different channels I received my information on the SpaceX flight, I feel the blog from the SpaceX website was the most informative written type of news because the posts informed me on the exact functions and trials the capsule had to go through were LA Times did not explain as in-depth. The SpaceX YouTube channel was also much better than the CNN broadcasts because the news casters on the YouTube channel where actual Engineers and employees of the SpaceX company. They were able to breakdown the complex science of the Space exploration where CNN newscasters were only vaguely explaining the functions of the capsule.

Friday, May 11, 2012

Reporting and Frequency Date Cycle 2:

Kelly Thomas Hearing UPDATE!

1. Broadcast News:  posted an update for its broadcast news network, NBC.  The story originally posted on Tuesday May 8th 2012 was last updated Wednesday May 9th 2012. Since the broadcast it had only been updated once on their website.

link to video:

During this period, the story developed with the following key points:
The Kelly Thomas hearing has proceeded with two Fullerton officers accused of unintentional manslaughter going on trail.
Originally the Thomas family wanted all officers involved to be put on trial; however, the charges only stuck to two.
Ramos faces a potential sentence of 15 years to life if convicted of  second-degree murder but only four years if convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Cicinelli faces a maximum sentence of four years in prison.
But defense attorneys have questioned witnesses during the preliminary hearing about whether the actions of responding paramedics might have contributed to Thomas' death.

2. Newspaper (LA Times): LA Times has updated its online newspaper five times since the original post on Tuesday May 8th, 2012. The most recent update was today the 11th posting letters sent to the Editor relating to the senseless beating.,0,1150793.story

Readers express concern that police officers have not been properly trained to handle resistive, combative or aggressive mentally disabled people. Readers are also questioning Emergency Medical Response and Hospital staff in their methods of treating mentally disabled patients.

3. Blog (L.A.NOW) with writer Richard Winton updated May, 9th 2012 4:18PM

During this post emphasis is placed mainly on the father of Ron Thomas. Winton is focusing on the father's opinion printing emotional quotes relating to his sons beating. The father is out for justice and wants the officers involved convicted of murder. The reader really gets a sense of the emotional response in the courtroom of the viewing and listening to the video of the beating.

4. Social Media YouTube:  Published on May 8, 2012 by Ana Kasparian and Brett Erlich on The Young Turks.

The commentators show the video. Afterward they express their opinion of the excessive force used by officers on a suspect that does not appear to be resisting. They seem to be trying to justify their motives for airing the video. They talk about what can be learnt by viewing the video. They feel if these types of situations are brought into the public's view and police officials are held responsible for their actions we may be able to avoid this misuse of powering the future.

Friday, May 4, 2012

Reporting and Frequency Date for Cycle 1: Unemployment Rates Drop

Reporting and Frequency Data for Cycle 1: Unemployment rates drop.

1. Broadcast News: posts news updates for its broadcast network, ABC. This story originally aired on the morning of 5/4/12. Since the story initially aired, the story has been updated on their website. 

During this period, the story developed with the following key point:

Update 1: Unemployment Falls, but Few New Jobs have been added to the work force as
Jeff Macke analyzed the morning business headlines. 5/04/2012

2. Newspaper (online)-NY Times: The story was originally published in the Business Economy section on 5/4/12 and since has been updated in the US Politics section. 5/04/2012 

Update 1: Mediocre Jobs Report. Although 115,000 jobs have been added in April, this number is far below the number needed to keep up with population growth.

3. Blog (Arkansas Times blog "Arkansas Blog"), posted by Max Brantley.

The blog was not updated further after this initial post, however, a related blog post appeared on 4/21/12, by Arkansas News blogger Roby Brock.

4. Social Media Website - YouTube video Georgia Department of Labor

In the original story 3/22/12, Mark Butler Georgia Labor Commissioner expresses hopeful outlook for Georgia economy. 

Update 1: On 4/2/12 posted by Albany Georgia News, Mark Butler Georgia Labor Commissioner reinforcing a hopeful outlook for Georgia to be a leading state in job growth.

Cycle 1: Unemployment rate falls AGAIN!

1. Broadcast news story-

link to video-

2. Newspaper (online)- NY Times

3. Blog-Max Brantley  - Journalist for Arkansas Times

4. Social Media Website - YouTube video original poster-GeorgiaDOL

link to video: